Moon Landing Investigation Demanded by Russian Official

Here is news about the fake moon landing on Huffington Post. The Russian who made the charge said we did go to the moon but wanted to know where the film is and the moon rocks. Actually, I believe he knows the US DIDN’T GO to the moon but didn’t say so, as he knows he would be ridiculed in the press and by friends. But at least making the claim of where the valuable film footage and moon rocks are, will make “thinking readers” question the moon landing.

In fact, the Huffington Post (part of the NWO) must have a guilty conscious as they went to great lengths of explaining that “we did go to the moon.” Question: why do all of this when the Russian “said” the US went to the moon but just wanted to know how such valuable things as the film footage got lost? The Huffington Post went to great lengths because they are fearful people are waking up!

Click here to go to the original site.

The fact that this film footage is lost and the “rock samples” is lost, too, is EXACTLY what you want to do if you faked the moon landing. IF we really went there, you can be sure such valuable things would NOT be lost.

How about all flat earthers add your comments on this article. There are some stupid comments already on there done by shills which have to be counter-balanced. Anyhow, the purpose is, this is an opportunity to talk about the flat earth and put some links on it.

Yes, there is plenty of evidence that we didn’t go to the moon. If you know about the flat earth, there is even more evidence BECAUSE the Moon is not a planet and it’s not out there is space somewhere but that is another whole story. Just do a search on YouTube with the words “moon landing hoax” and you’ll find a ton of videos. Here the other side first and not what the media wants you to hear!